Cloud games

Enjoy the best Cloud games on your PC and mobile.

Privacy Policy:

Here's what you need to know about how we handle your personal data when you use our Service, and what choices you have.


We collect and use your data to make our Service better. By using our Service, you agree to this policy. If there are any terms you're not sure about, they're explained in our Terms and Conditions.


If you don't use the service for two years, we'll delete all your personal data.


Types of Data Collected:

1. Personal Data:

When you use our Service, we may ask for your email address and collect cookies and usage data.


2. Usage Data:

We collect information like your IP address, browser type, and the pages you visit.


3. Tracking Cookies Data:

We use cookies to track your activity and improve our Service.


I. Information Collection and Use:

We collect different types of information to improve our Service.


II. Use of Data:

We use your data for things like maintaining the Service and providing customer support.


III. Transfer of Data:

Your data may be transferred to other countries, including the United States, where data protection laws may be different.


IV. Disclosure of Data:

We may disclose your data to comply with legal obligations or protect our rights.


V. Security of Data:

While we do our best to protect your data, no method of transmission over the Internet is 100% secure.


VI. Service Providers:

We may use third-party companies to help us provide the Service.


VII. Links to Other Sites:

Our Service may contain links to other sites. We're not responsible for their privacy policies.


VIII. Children's Privacy:

Our Service is not for children under 18, and we don't knowingly collect their data.


IX. Changes to this Privacy Policy:

We may update this policy from time to time. We'll let you know about any changes.


X. Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us at . If you want to know what data we have about you or want your data deleted, email us using the provided subjects.